The corporate governance system adopted by the Company complies with the regulations and applicable Italian and Luxembourg law, the articles of association and the corporate governance code promoted by Borsa Italiana S.p.A..
Generally, the corporate governance system of the Company is based on the fundamental role of the board of directors, the transparency of company decision-making processes, an efficient system of internal control, and the codes, principles, rules and procedures that govern and regulate the activities of all the organisational and operating facilities of the Company.
The Company’s reports on the corporate governance system published every year gives a detailed description of: the governance structures, company organisation, information on the ownership structures, rules, obligations, standards of business conduct, control systems, processing company information and shareholder relations.
Both the last corporate governance report and the archive of the annual reports on the corporate governance system and the ownership structures are available in this section.
The Board of Directors of the Company examines and approves the corporate governance system of the Company and the group structure. It also assesses the general performance, approves the extraordinary transactions, the quarterly, half-yearly and yearly financial statements and, in general, carries out all its duties pursuant to the applicable law and/or the Articles of Association and in compliance with the provisions of the corporate governance code of Italian listed companies promoted by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. The Board of Directors currently in office was appointed for a three-years term of office at the Shareholders’ meeting held on 23 April 2024.
In this section is available the last udated version of the Board of Directors Regulation.
On 8 May 2024, the Board of Directors confirmed the setting up of a Control and Risk Committee composed of the three (3) Board of Directors independent members, having as a whole an adequate experience in accounting and finance.
The Control and Risk Committee of the Company provides support, assistance, opinions and submits proposals to the Board of Directors on the following, inter alia:
Reporting and other duties:
The Control and Risk Committee adopted its own rules in order to govern its role, functioning, duties and rights. These rules are periodically reviewed and updated and finally approved by the Board of Directors.
In this section are available both the most recent version of the Control and Risk Committee regulation and the rules of procedure relating to the significant operations in place with related parties containing all the internal rules aimed at ensuring the transparency and substantive and procedural good faith of the operations put in place by the Company that have a significant effect on the Company’s business, its financial statements, the economic and financial data, taking account of their nature, strategic importance or size.
Monique I.A. Maller
Tom Loesch
Marcel C. Saucy
On 8 May 2024, the Board of Directors of the Company confirmed the setting up of a Nomination and Remuneration Committee composed of the three (3) Board of Directors independent members, having as a whole an adequate experience in accounting and finance.
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee has the duties to provide support, assistance, opinions and submits proposals to the Board of Directors in the following:
Reporting and other duties:
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee adopted its own rules in order to govern its role, functioning, duties and rights. These rules are periodically reviewed and updated and finally approved by the Board of Directors.
In this section is available the last Nomination and Remuneration Committee regulation.
Tom Loesch
Monique I.A. Maller
Marcel C. Saucy
Internal auditing is an independent and objective assurance and consultation activity that aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the organisation.
The head of the internal audit department of the Company is not a Company employee and he meets the necessary professional requirements. He is not responsible for any operating areas, and only has to answer to the board of directors, subject to consultation with the chief risk officer and the control and risk committee.
The internal auditor helps the organisation to achieve its objectives taking a systematic professional approach, which generates added value since it is aimed at assessing and improving the risk, control and governance management processes.
The head of the internal audit department has the power to control all internal procedures, and also has direct access to all the information needed to perform the following duties on a regular basis:
The most recent versions of the "internal audit mandate" and the "guidelines for internal control and risk management system", can be consulted in this section.
Reporting of risks even if only potential
Risks reporting for companies’ activities, even only potential, shall be submitted in writing and forwarded to the head of internal audit via e-mail to:
There will be examined also anonymous notifications and there will be ensured the privacy of the mailer in case of non-anonymous notifications.
Head of Internal Audit: Loredana Saccomanno
In accordance with article 17 of the Articles of Association, the operating activities of the Company and the financial situation, including, in particular, the accounting ledgers and financial statements, are examined by an external independent auditor. The independent auditor is appointed by the general ordinary shareholders meeting of the Company and remains in office until the election of the following auditor. The auditors can be re-elected and can be removed at any time, with or without justified cause, by decision of the general ordinary shareholders’ meeting.
The annual general ordinary shareholders’ meeting of the Company held on 18 April 2023 appointed MOORE Audit S.A. with registered office in Luxembourg (registered with the Luxembourg Registry of Trade and Companies, under number B 165.462) as independent, external auditor (“réviseur d’entreprises agréé”) of the separate and consolidated annual financial statements, which was given a term of office of three years to expire at the annual general ordinary shareholders’ meeting called to approve the financial statements of the Company for the year 2025.
The articles of association identify the essential characteristics of the internal organisation of the Company and the operating rules and can be amended by decision of the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting.
Unless otherwise provided for under the articles of association, applicable law applies (Luxembourg law on commercial companies of 10 August 1915 as amended).
The most recent changes to the articles of association were made on 19 June 2023.
Both the most recent version of the articles of association in effect and the archive of articles of association from the past five years are available in this section.
Since the shares of the Company are listed on the STAR segment of the Italian Stock Exchange organised and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A., the Company, in accordance with article 2.2.3, paragraph 3, letter k) of the rules on markets organised and managed by Borsa Italiana, adopted and implemented the organisation, management and control model provided under article 6 of Legislative Decree no. 231 of 8 June 2001 (the “Model 231”), a consistent system of procedures, rules and controls aimed at preventing and/or reducing the risk of commission of those criminal offences provided for by the Legislative Decree No. 231/2001.
The said Decree introduced the administrative liability of legal persons and their bodies for specific types of criminal offences provided under the criminal code (including offences against the public administration, corporate offences, market abuse, etc.) committed and pursued in Italy by parties who act in representative, administrative or management capacities of the company or one of its administrative areas with financial and functional autonomy or by members of their staff in the interest of and/or to the benefit of the company.
However, while introducing this administrative liability regime, the Decree also provided for a specific type of release from responsibility in case the company can prove that it adopted and efficiently implemented an organisation, management and control model that could prevent said offences, and that a specific body within the entity was given responsibility for supervision of the functioning, adequacy and effectiveness of the said model and its updating (the Supervisory Committee ), and was given independent powers of initiative and control.
The Company initially adopted the Model 231 on 12 March 2008 in order to prevent the commission of offences established by Legislative Decree 231/2001. The most recent updates and restructuring to the Model 231 were made by decision dated 29 July 2021. Subsequently, the company carried out a further risk assessment following changes that had occurred with respect to the reference regulatory framework and deemed it unnecessary to update the Special Parts of the 231 Model but instead approved an updated version of the General Part of the Model as at 10 November 2022 which takes into consideration the latter assessment.
The lastly updated General Part of the Model 231 is available in this section.
The d’Amico whistleblowing platform available at the following address can be used to report any irregularities and/or unlawful behaviors, acts or omissions, both occurred on board or ashore, that could constitute violations or attempted violations, even suspected, of the legislative provisions referred to in Legislative Decree 231/2001, of the principles ratified in the Code of Ethics and in the Organisation, Management and Control Model pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 231/01 of d’Amico International Shipping S.A., of the Group’s procedures, policies and rules in general (the so called “Integrated Management System”) and, in particular of the Group Anti-Corruption Policy that may constitute fraud or damage, even potential, towards colleagues, shareholders and stakeholders, or unlawful acts detrimental to the interests and reputation of the Company. The report may also refer to cases even suspected or attempted of “bullying”, sexual harassment, violations of privacy legislation and situations of real, potential and apparent conflicts of interest for which adequate disclosure has not been made by the parties involved and which may have consequences on the impartiality and good performance of the Company.
The Supervisory Committee of the Company was initially established by the Board of Directors on 12 March 2008 with the following duties:
The Company’s Supervisory Committee, whose composition was lastly re-confirmed by the Board of Directors on 9 March 2023 for a three (3) years period, comprises the following three (3) members appointed upon a careful assessment of the existence of: capacity of independent action, independence, professional competence, continuity of action, no conflicts of interest and integrity.
In this section is available the last supervisory committee regulation.
Nicola Pisani (Chairman of the Committee)
Maurizio Andrea Bergamaschi
Anna Alberti (Secretary)
On 12 March 2008, the Company approved and adopted the code of ethics that contains the basic corporate ethical principles followed by the Company and which its directors, employees, consultants and partners, and in general, anyone who acts in the name of or on behalf of the Company have to comply with. The code of ethics was then amended by the board of directors on 7 May 2014 and the Company also encouraged its subsidiaries to adopt a code of ethics that is substantively similar to the parent company’s one. Subsequently, some minor updates were carried out to adapt the Code of Ethics to the new legislation applicable until the latest version of 4 December 2024.
On 13 March 2025, the Board of Directors of the Company approved the general 2025 remuneration policy on the basis of the proposal made by the nomination and remuneration committee.
This policy, which will be submitted for consideration and advisory vote of the Shareholders during the meeting of the 29 April 2025, regards all forms of remuneration, including in particular the fixed remuneration and the remuneration tables related to performance targets. The proposals relating to the remuneration tables linked to performance targets are accompanied by recommendations on the relative targets and the assessment criteria in order to align executive remuneration with the long-term interests of the shareholders and the objectives established by the board of directors of the Company.
The Shareholders' Meeting to be held on 29 April 2025 will be convened also to resolved on the approval of the medium-long term variable incentive plan 2025 – 2027.
Both the last report on remuneration (whose section I illustrates the remuneration policy on which the next Shareholders’ Meeting will be called to express an advisory vote) and the medium-long term variable incentive plan to be approved by the next Shareholders’ meeting are available in this section. In this section are also available the archives for the past 10 years of the documents inherent to remunerations.
Further to the entry into force of the Market Abuse Regulation (EU Reg. 596/2014) and in compliance with the prevailing applicable Luxembourg and Italian laws, as well as with regulations and procedures that govern the shares’ trading of listed securities (hereinafter referred to the “Applicable Provisions”), in the meeting held on the 28th of July 2016, the board of directors initially considered to accordingly amend its Internal Dealing Code, whose final version was subsequently approved on the 2nd of March 2017. The Internal Dealing Code contains the internal procedures to identify the “relevant persons” and the guidelines for the management, processing and communication to the market of the information relating to its transactions on financial instruments.
The Internal Dealing Code was lastly amended by the Company on the 5th of May 2022 in order to align the “Reporting Obligations” provisions with the CSSF Circular no. 22/800, which introduced the “eRIIS” (electronic Reporting of Information concerning Issuers of Securities) web platform.
On 28 July 2016, in the light of the Applicable Provisions, the Company also evaluated some amendments to the rules on internal management and distribution to the public of insider information and keeping the register of persons who have access to it (the “Insider List”) that was finally, amended on the 2nd of March 2017. The Rules were further amended by means of Board of Directors’ resolution of 13 November 2019. Such Rules disciplines the processing of Inside Information with regards to the internal management and external communication of the documents and information concerning d’Amico International Shipping S.A.
Both the last version of the Internal Dealing Code and of the Rules are available in this Section together with the Form B for the request of registration, deletion or update on the Insider List.
This section contains also the archive of the market communications made by the Company relating to the transactions subject to internal dealing rules made by the “relevant persons” of the Company and “persons closely connected to it” in the last 5 years.
In this section you can have access to the archive of the buyback transactions communications made by the Company, pursuant to paragraph 1.4 of Annex 3F of the Issuers Regulation No 11971/1999, to the market and to CONSOB, as competent authority pursuant to the Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 (MAR). The press releases related to the same transactions are stored in the press releases section of the Investor Relations area.